Tiny Tweaks, Big Results

My April BirchBox arrived, you know, week ago when April first began.  I was super pumped when I first opened it and saw the month’s theme “Tiny Tweaks, Big Results.”


I wasn’t feeling in the best shape and had just started this weird smoothie diet so I immediately ripped open the box to find an array of intriguing products.  Intriguing if you weren’t a person looking for something to make you lose 10lbs and stop eating candy; but alas I saw no fountain of youth.

Well a few weeks later, back on the blogging wagon, I cracked open the box and was a bit more interested in the contents.  First (and easiest) is this bonus subscription to Women’s Health.  Somehow last year I ended up getting subscriptions to Glamour, Elle & Cosmo (by the way Cosmo is exactly the same as it was when I was 16, my to-do list is to figure out how to cancel this subscription – sorry Meg) for like 50 cents each.  So here I stand proudly supporting the dying art of publishing as I write an online blog, cue self-loathing.

I’m going to fill out this subscription card and perhaps begin my fittest year (?) as stated on the cover.



Genie in a bottle?!? I hope so!

No you aren’t dreaming there is actually a new post on here without having to wait another month.  Somewhere pigs are flying and the devil is snowboarding.  Before my blogger’s block ensued I openly expressed my disappointment in the March box, there was however one tiny sample that showed promise.  I tried it once and immediately ordered the full size. Now it’s important to understand that I did not do this because I loved the product and needed more of it – it was because I saw something in it and in order to give it the true review I’m striving for I actually did need more of it.  I saw other bloggers got one use out of the sample tube, so being prepared I made that thing last 3.5 so-so uses.  I wanted the full size to really give it a go… What is it you may be asking?  Whish Shaving Cream… in BLUEBERRY!

Best Big - Little

Best Big – Little

This cream first of all smells amazing!  I think I was most excited to use it because I hoped I’d be able to smell it during hot yoga when I’m forced to put my sweaty face on my equally sweaty knee, didn’t work out as well as planned but that’s because I sweat any remains of Whish off before the instructor even walked in the room.

It doesn’t lather which is weird if you’ve never had a non-lathering shaving cream which I have not.  It goes on like a lotion or thin film so it can be a bit hard to keep track of where you have shaved, but I don’t have to fling shaving cream off my razor every 15 seconds – a trade-off I gladly accepted.

So here I am shaving my legs in a field of blueberry super excited for my legs to be silky smooth and ready for summer.  Then I rinsed my legs.  THEN I screamed.  The kind of scream that comes when you unknowingly nick behind your knee and water hits it for the first time, except imagine that for every single hair follicle. I’ve tried to troubleshoot: rinse my leg immediately before proceeding to the next, apply lotion after, don’t apply lotion at all, make sure the water is warm (scalding), etc.

I’m so attached to the idea that this shaving cream will revolutionize my summer legs that I keep trying and unfortunately I think I’d have better luck shaving in the middle of the desert using sand as my shaving cream.

So again I’m frustrated.  I’m pleased that I was able to try something over a period of weeks to give you a decent review.  I’m just less pleased that it wasn’t positive and that I apparently don’t have the skill to use this fancy schmancy cream.

I semi-recommend it, only because I want it to work and it smells AMAZING.

Has anyone else had any better luck with this Whish nonsense?

On Trial

Long time no see, huh?  I know it’s actually embarrassing how long it’s been.  Obviously it’s my fault, but I will blame some of it on a general lack of excitement over the samples I’ve been trying to review.  So get ready for a b*tchfest, because the B train has just arrived at the station.

I'm cute, but what do I do?!?!

I’m cute, but what do I do?!?!

See these guys?  I think I got them in my first BirchBox.  I’ve used them, every last one in fact.  I had no trouble reading the back of the package to find out what these little gems are supposed to do, so where did I run into trouble?  I couldn’t see any results.  I’m sure something happened.  Maybe the sample didn’t have enough capsules to allow a trial that shows the full benefits or I just have no idea what I’m doing.  Both are entirely likely.

Whelp, here is my review on it.  The serum is REALLY greasy (is there a better word? Slimey – No.  Slippery – Perhaps.)  I could probably get 2 uses out of each capsule.  And if you really want to freak someone out throw the capsule in the toilet when you’re done, then see what your roommate, boyfriend, maintenance man says when they see a tiny miscellaneous object floating around.  A word to the wise, don’t squeeze too hard or the whole thing will explode and shoot out the bottom.

I felt like I owed it to these vitamin capsules, BirchBox, and you (because wasn’t this really informative?) to share a review of this product, BUT I just avoided blogging entirely until I had the courage to say “I have NOTHING”.

So there you have it – I have NOTHING.

Luckily, Tuesday Trials have helped me go through my backlog of samples to try – GREAT SUCCESS. Perhaps we’ll see a few trials in our future, but this will be the last regularly (let’s pretend, okay?) scheduled one until the mood hits me.

Trials & Tribs


Yup, that is what you say in San Antonio – okay actually it isn’t at all, I don’t think I heard a single accent, but I miss it so.  I was fortune it enough to be sent to San Antonio for 4 days for a large meeting and while I didn’t get to see much or any of SA – I adored the time I had there.

As you have read so far my March BirchBox was full of  “goodies” – you can take those quotes however you’d like.  I was psyched when I got a fancy & floral nail file by Madewell for BirchBox.  I’m nail deficient.  I have gotten decent at painting my nails (only because I have a wonderful, super secret ((not for long)), fool-proof nail polish), but I am HORRIBLE at filing them.  Not only do I loathe the filing, but I can only file with my left hand – SO that means when I try to file my left hand it’s really my nails moving not the file.  NO GOOD.  I’ve tried some recommended techniques and have not gained any skill, however I’m still trying.  Needless to say, I figured BirchBox had finally sent me the magic file and from this point forward I’d be a nail maven.  Someone call Nail Trix  this girl needs a job.



Not the case.  This file came from Madewell, which I’ve heard a lot of hype about.  Well I can tell you one thing, made well is NOT what this nail file was.  My pathetic, brittle, impossible to file nails ripped this thing to shreds – during ONE, count it one file.  I’m not even saying both hands, I’m talking about before I even finished my right hand (the one I’m good not terrible at).

I forgot to mention that it bent in half before I even used it.  Super soft, imagine filing your nail with a spaghetti noodle because that’s what I did.  Both sides of this file seemed to be exactly the same; and since I don’t trust my own nail knowledge I kept analyzing and switching to see if there seemed to be any variation in the roles of the sides of this thing.  There wasn’t.

Don't even ask what that crusty bump is! Yuck-O

Don’t even ask what that crusty bump is! Yuck-O

Did it file my nails?  Eventually.  Was it painstaking?  Yes.  Should I have gotten up to find my 99 cent nail file?  Yes, but then I’d have nothing to write about.

This review made me sad.  Especially since I got a seemingly sweet coupon for Madewell in my box as well, except I’m afraid whatever I get will tear into a million pieces.

All in all, March was a disappointing month for my BirchBox, I’m not really sure what has gotten into them.  Obviously, other products need to be reviewed so I won’t give too much away, but I am eagerly looking forward to April don’t eff it up BB.

We’ve Arrived!

About that exciting news!? Beauty & the Birch has officially arrived ladies & gents (are there gents here?)

A few weeks ago I received a comment on one of my posts from a new friend over at 12 Benefits admiring my love for their product and scolding me for losing it in Bermuda.  What happened next was the cause of MAJOR excitement for this girl – they offered to send me a new sample of the Instant Healthy Hair Treatment (IHHT).  My first official free sample – holy moly!  So I’ve been tight-lipped in hopes the sample actually arrived and that I wasn’t being mocked; well a number of days ago it arrived at my doorstep.



Second round of HOLY MOLY – Beauty & the Birch got mail!  Not only did I get a new IHHT with a wonderful white paper explaining all the pros of the product in font that was large enough to read, the generous man at 12 Benefits also sent an additional sample – the Rapid Blowout Argan Oil Blow Dry Spray. Yippee!! I know this may not be such a big deal for the seasoned blogger, but WHATEVER it is for me.

This newest arrival meant I had to further contain my excitement because I wanted to give it a week of usage in order for a fair review.  I’ve used plenty of heat shielding products, like the Chi oil, and have only used them 1-2 times.  I don’t like to have a lot of product in my hair, it get’s super greasy super fast and ruins all the time I wasted doing it because I just have to wash it again.  However, this spray is great!  I’ve mentioned a few times how once my hair starts to grow it starts to resemble the hair of a certain Long Island stage mom, in efforts to grow my hair out without looking like a scarecrow I’ve started using both 12 Benefits products daily.

White Paper!

White Paper!

The Rapid Blowout spray is light and virtually scentless which is plus.  My hair has been drying a bit quicker and looks healthier all around.  It is breaking less, my already broken strands are less striking, and my mane is soft and shiny.  My hair does not get greasy or flat and it feels like it has zero product in it whatsoever.  From the research I’ve done, I appear to have gotten a full size bottle which retails around $20 depending on where you are ordering from.  I saw it for $15 on Amazon, but it wasn’t Prime eligible so the $5 in shipping brings it to about the same price as elsewhere.  You can also search via the 12 Benefits website to find salons near you, for now I think I’ll stick to ordering online unless of course my salon is already selling it.  Perhaps I’ll recommend it when I go in next week?

I 100% plan to order a full size IHHT and am hoping the Rapid Blowout lasts a bit longer than the tiny IHHT sample.  I’m really excited about 12 Benefits as a brand and can’t wait to see the long-term benefits (yup, all 12 of them) on my hair.  Which reminds me, do they have to come up with 12 benefits for all of their products? That could either be the easiest or most absurd job ever.  I wonder if they ever sneak joke benefits in for straightforward products.

So there it is – Beauty & the Birch is a real live blog.  I guess I better keep it up!

Trial Tuesday is tomorrow – hope you’re ready!

Blair Hair


I LOVE headbands, always have, always will.  I loved them and proudly wore them ages before Blair Waldorf made them cool, even though I adore her for bringing them back.  Actually, when Pinterest first popped up and before it was blocked at work one of my early crafts was converting an oats container to a headband stand.  It has revolutionized my hair accessory storage by not only displaying my headbands for selection each morning, but also provides a sneaky place to stash any sock buns, bump-its, etc. a girl may have.  

Pride & Joy

Pride & Joy

My March Birchbox brought me a headband from Twistband, you know those people who capitalized off of the simplest hair-tie solution since the scrunchie.  I was excited for this because I have way more opportunities to wear the headband than I have had to wear the hair-tie.  So perhaps this will be a dual review – lucky you!

It was a Thursday and let’s be honest Thursday is just Tuesday dressed up in a different outfit – terrible anyway you paint it.  In celebration of Thursday I decided to not do my hair for work and to try out this new headband.  Surprisingly, this headband is more shocking than the mustache headband I rocked last week considering how frequently I was mocked for looking like a fitness instructor as opposed to people just saying, “OMG, of course you have a mustache headband.”  Well, duh of course I do.  It was a gift and I love mustaches and I love gifts so what’s the fuss.  I guess I should have told people that this glorified piece of fabric around my head was a gift as well.  Alright so may not be totally work appropriate, but neither am I – moving on.

Thanks Big! Love you!

Thanks Big! Love you!

So I put myself in this headband and a boring pony; since I like to dress like the opening from the 5th season of the Cosby show I happened to have a shirt that matched this wonderful sea-foam green perfectly.

This is obviously the best opening of all the seasons

This is obviously the best opening of all the seasons

The headband fits similar to an athletic headband.  It is comfortable and doesn’t apply too much pressure to my head, which is great since I usually have to take headband breaks when in private to give my ears a break.  Usually, athletic bands pop off my head and I can hardly stand to wear them.  Judging on how my morning went I thought this wasn’t the case with my Twistband; however I spent most of the afternoon readjusting or chasing it down after it popped off.  Maybe I just have a big head?

I should have tag teamed with the Twistband hair-tie

I should have tag teamed with the Twistband hair-tie

Let’s talk about the Twistband hair-tie as well because really they are the same product.  I’ve used it maybe 3 times, how many times do you need to try out a hair-tie – not that many.  It’s cute and a little something to switch it up, which is plus.

I noticed with both Twistband products that the ends (which are tied in a knot) immediately started to fray upon use.  So quickly, that I actually inspected the headband one prior to use to monitor the results.  It isn’t a bad fray and I can certainly still use the hair-tie and the headband, I just don’t understand what caused them to fray so quickly after such little wear.

Blue all around

Blue all around

So my final verdict: They are very “in” right?  So thank you to BirchBox for sending two free samples my way.  I will certainly wear them again (just not to work I guess).  Will I ever buy them? No.  Will I revisit the link on Pinterest on how to create your own?  Most likely.

CHECK OUT – The Sassy Life.com tutorial on DIY Twistbands!  http://www.thesassylife.com/twistbands-how-to/

All the cool kids are doing it…