Trials & Tribs


Yup, that is what you say in San Antonio – okay actually it isn’t at all, I don’t think I heard a single accent, but I miss it so.  I was fortune it enough to be sent to San Antonio for 4 days for a large meeting and while I didn’t get to see much or any of SA – I adored the time I had there.

As you have read so far my March BirchBox was full of  “goodies” – you can take those quotes however you’d like.  I was psyched when I got a fancy & floral nail file by Madewell for BirchBox.  I’m nail deficient.  I have gotten decent at painting my nails (only because I have a wonderful, super secret ((not for long)), fool-proof nail polish), but I am HORRIBLE at filing them.  Not only do I loathe the filing, but I can only file with my left hand – SO that means when I try to file my left hand it’s really my nails moving not the file.  NO GOOD.  I’ve tried some recommended techniques and have not gained any skill, however I’m still trying.  Needless to say, I figured BirchBox had finally sent me the magic file and from this point forward I’d be a nail maven.  Someone call Nail Trix  this girl needs a job.



Not the case.  This file came from Madewell, which I’ve heard a lot of hype about.  Well I can tell you one thing, made well is NOT what this nail file was.  My pathetic, brittle, impossible to file nails ripped this thing to shreds – during ONE, count it one file.  I’m not even saying both hands, I’m talking about before I even finished my right hand (the one I’m good not terrible at).

I forgot to mention that it bent in half before I even used it.  Super soft, imagine filing your nail with a spaghetti noodle because that’s what I did.  Both sides of this file seemed to be exactly the same; and since I don’t trust my own nail knowledge I kept analyzing and switching to see if there seemed to be any variation in the roles of the sides of this thing.  There wasn’t.

Don't even ask what that crusty bump is! Yuck-O

Don’t even ask what that crusty bump is! Yuck-O

Did it file my nails?  Eventually.  Was it painstaking?  Yes.  Should I have gotten up to find my 99 cent nail file?  Yes, but then I’d have nothing to write about.

This review made me sad.  Especially since I got a seemingly sweet coupon for Madewell in my box as well, except I’m afraid whatever I get will tear into a million pieces.

All in all, March was a disappointing month for my BirchBox, I’m not really sure what has gotten into them.  Obviously, other products need to be reviewed so I won’t give too much away, but I am eagerly looking forward to April don’t eff it up BB.

2 thoughts on “Trials & Tribs

  1. Pingback: Sometimes You Just Have To Do It Yourself | Beauty & the Birch

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