Tuesday Trials!!

Drum roll please…

Last week I introduced the idea of Tuesday Trials as a way to tackle some of the less enticing samples that come in my BirchBox.  I also complained about how annoying those stupid packets are so let’s skip that this time around.

The Honorable Beauty & the Birch presiding

The Honorable Beauty & the Birch presiding

Over the past week or so I have intermittently used (hey – a packet only holds a few uses!) Hope in a Jar by Philosophy.  I was really excited to give this a go seeing as I’ve heard amazing things about Philosophy products and started off with hopes (hope in a jar, hopes in my head – it’s all about hope here) that this could be my skin’s new best friend.

The moisturizer was for normal to oily skin which was aligned with my BirchBox profile, but I am wondering if there is a version for the painstakingly oily – that is what I’m looking for.  After doing some research I found that the full size seems to be built “for all skin types” so let’s keep that in mind.  The moisturizer was smooth and easy to apply, depending on how oily your skin is you like to apply moisturizer this might be a time for the less is more rule.


To be fair, my face has been a mess recently, in an effort to remedy this I have been trying EVERYTHING, including this Hope in a Jar sample.  The first time I used it, it seemed oily (I know, I saw the packet it clearly says oil-free) and my face was no better after using it.  The next two times I used it things were a bit different.  I didn’t apply makeup after and I applied it liberally without much care of rubbing it in all the way; I was inspired by this magazine article Jennifer Lopez recently did and how on her days off she globs on the moisturizer and wears no makeup.  J.Lo has NEVER led me astray why would she start now?

J.Lo = God

J.Lo = God

The 2nd and 3rd uses were both at night and I woke up in the morning fresh-faced even after a grueling Saturday 8:00 am Bikram from hell class.  Despite, the oily feeling my face seemed to dry and clear up a bit (not crediting this totally to the moisturizer – but it was the only thing I was trying those days).  One thing I wasn’t totally psyched about was the scent.  I will admit, it is HARDLY scented; I’m actually starting to question when I became such a stickler for all things scented because apparently they aren’t my favorite.  It isn’t a floral scent, it’s almost a non-scent – like they tried too hard not to have a fragrant scent that they instead developed a new hospital bed smell.  I think I’d prefer new car smell on my face, it’s not bad,  just weird and distracting as I try to sleep.

Would I use this again if it I stumbled upon a sample?  Yes!

Am I going to rush out to the nearest Ulta because I found the moisturizer of my dreams?  Not yet, but hey you never know.

Remember a few posts ago I hinted at big news on the horizon?!?!  Well it has officially landed.  I can’t wait until the next post to spill all the details about it.  Stay tuned!