‘Bout the Blogger


I’m your average post-college working gal with a love for the beach, friends, and anything including zucchini.  I grew up in a family of women who were passionate about fashion, their family, and laughter that makes one dash to nearest bathroom sorry Aunts.  I learned about clothes, handbags, and most of all jewelry and it’s safe to say that now I’m a bit ashamed of how much I hated waiting around the jewelry counter while my aunts and cousins perused enthusiastically.  One thing that I don’t remember receiving was a formal education of beauty how-to’s.  As far back as I can remember I would deck myself out in makeup, my mom’s best heels, and my sister’s biggest can of hairspray – hey it was the early 90’s in New Jersey, I did the best I could.  But where and when did I learn any of this and why can’t I remember it?  So I’ve set out on a journey to preserve my youth and a put a little pep in my step by throwing myself head first into beauty products, techniques, and danger zones.  Hold on to your lip gloss ladies, it’s going to be a bumpy and hopefully blotch free ride!

2 thoughts on “‘Bout the Blogger

  1. Hello Beauty & the Birch Blogger,
    I was compelled to write you when I saw that you lost your “beloved 12 Benefits” while vacationing in Bermuda. I had hoped to read that you had to buy a full-size at Birchbox to replace your mini, but, as bad luck would have it, you cheated on us with a 12 Benefits knock off called Beauty Protector among others. I would be happy to send you another 12 Benefits mini, provided you make an effort not to lose it on holiday. Kind regards, 12 Benefits founder.

    • Troy,

      Thank you so much for your comment, it made my day! I would LOVE the opportunity to have another sample of 12 benefits! Your excellent level of customer service has only escalated my love for the product and my desire to scream it from the rooftops. Keep an eye out for an email from me to set up my replacement bottle – I promise to keep an eye on it at all times (and order a full sized in the future)!

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