That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for my beauty routine

Hola!  Here’s the thing, I’ve gotten through the majority of my life without much “official” beauty knowledge.  Don’t get me wrong I can be as girly as the best of ’em, but as I settle into adult life I feel there may be a few things I missed in the proverbial beauty school.  For the most part I have relied on a killer tan and lip gloss to get by.  Since graduating college my tanning regimen (only natural sun folks) has suffered greatly; and then there was that Christmas my lifelong friend asked me why my lips were so shiny.  As you can imagine I’ve started to seek other alternatives and so here we are.

What am I doing here?  Let’s find out together.  A few months ago I signed up for BirchBox, a monthly beauty sample subscription.  (Sign up HERE  This fall I have received a variety badass container of samples to explore, judge, and ultimately yay or nay into my beauty lifecycle.  Since I admittedly know NOTHING about these fancy schmancy products, I hope to A. Learn B. Spread the word about great products and C. Help others with a low beauty IQ catch-up to our in-the-know colleagues.

Join me on my quest to great skin, always looking totally fab, and the opportunity to be your crew’s go-to beauty gal!